Category: Company Stories

NRF Letter Urges GSP Renewal – Plus More Supporters!

Written on July 2, 2013 in California

On Friday, the National Retail Federation sent a letter to every Member of Congress urging support for immediate Congressional consideration and passage. The letter stated that GSP is “critical to American employers and families that this important trade program is renewed in advance of its expiration.” Given GSP’s broad bipartisa...

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20 More Orgs Join GSP Supporter List

Written on June 19, 2013 in Delaware

On Monday, we sent a letter signed by 234 American companies and associations urging renewal of GSP before July 31. Of course, as soon as the letter was finalized and sent, we started receiving emails from all sorts of new organizations about their support for GSP renewal – and 20 different companies and associations have...

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GSP Renewal Makes for Strange Bedfellows

Written on June 10, 2013 in GSP Supporter List

Two more companies joined our GSP Supporter List today and…they could not be more different.  One sells a wide range of products to customers like you and me.  The other supplies specialized packaging products like intermodal sea bulk container liners. One has tens of thousands of U.S. employees; the other has three.  One...

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