Category: Company Stories

GSP Expiration: “Playing Chicken” with Competitors or Profits

Written on September 12, 2013 in New York

While all responses to our August/September expiration survey are appreciated, we love the submissions that allow us to quote them directly. The following comment comes from Candace Abitbul at Sophia Foods in Brooklyn, New York. This family-owned (very) small business paid $3,700 in extra import taxes in August and expects to pay another $7,00...

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7 New Organizations Call on Congress to Renew GSP

Written on September 10, 2013 in Arizona

With Congress returning to DC and companies beginning to feel the sting of expiration, more and more American organizations are calling for immediate renewal of the GSP program.The map below shows the 20+ companies and associations – based in 16 states – have joined the supporter list since GSP expired, including the seven new additions...

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