Category: GSP

GSP Notes from a Small Island

Written on August 6, 2013 in GSP

With Congress gone, we took the opportunity to head back to Jamestown, RI to visit family – but that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped thinking about GSP. In fact, just yesterday while grabbing coffee in the town, we came across a new store: Fair Trade Winds. [youtube=] We wen...

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Reactions to GSP Expiration

Written on August 2, 2013 in GSP

With Wednesday’s expiration of the GSP program and the upcoming recess ensuring at least six weeks of higher taxes – and possibly much longer – there is lots of frustration among GSP importers. But we’re not alone. New U.S. Trade Representative Mike Froman released a statement saying: “The Obama Administration urges Co...

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Coalition for GSP: American Companies Frustrated by Congress’ Inability to Renew Generalized System of Preferences Program

Written on August 1, 2013 in GSP

This morning, the Coalition for GSP put out a press release on yesterday’s expiration of the GSP program. As noted by Executive Director Laura Baughman: “GSP’s expiration will be a financial blow for thousands of American companies that rely on the tariff savings to remain globally competitive. While expiration will be a cost...

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