Category: GSP

GSP Bill Blocked in the Senate – Contacts Needed!

Written on July 26, 2013 in GSP

The GSP renewal legislation moving through the Senate hit a snag yesterday when Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Kay Hagan (D-NC) objected to a request to pass the bill by unanimous consent. Unless these two Senators drop their objections, GSP will expire again and companies will face tariffs of $2 million per day starting next...

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Keep Those GSP Contacts Coming

Written on July 25, 2013 in GSP

The Senate continues working to pass S. 1331 by unanimous consent before next week’s expiration. Since any one Senator can block renewal, though, it’s critical that all GSP importers reach out to their Senators and urge support for the bill. You can call, email, or tweet using our Senate contact page. It’s now or never...

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Ideas Lab Perspective: Time is Running Out To Renew Trade Program

Written on July 22, 2013 in GSP

This morning, the Ideas Lab website published a “perspectives” piece from us on the impacts of the GSP program called Time is Running Out to Renew Trade Program. We note that GSP was built around the idea that “opening markets to imports from low income countries plagued by poverty and a paucity of good employment opportuniti...

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Renew GSP Today