Category: GSP

New GSP Expiration Survey: Retroactive Renewals

Written on November 7, 2013 in GSP

We have heard from some folks in Congress that passing a retroactive GSP renewal may become harder as time goes on. Whenever GSP has expired, we’ve said that refunds of tariffs paid to date is the #1 priority for importing companies. What do you think? Let us know by filling out the form below. Results...

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Congress Needs to Get Back to Work on GSP Renewal

Written on October 21, 2013 in GSP

With the government shutdown and debt ceiling debate behind us (for at least a couple months), Congress needs to turn its attention back to another outstanding issue: the renewal of the GSP trade program. GSP has now been expired for 82 days. When GSP expired in 2011, American companies paid an estimated $2 million per...

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