How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

KY, MO Biotech Firms Take Advantage of GSP Benefits for Yeast

Written on March 8, 2011 in Argentina

I tried to come up with a funny title (e.g., “Congress should at yeast pass a short-term GSP extension) but nothing jumped out at me, so we went with the simple statement of fact:  American companies conducting cutting-edge research into animal nutrition import GSP-eligible yeast (or similar single-cell organizations). Most yeast imports...

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Emails We LOVE to Get

Written on March 3, 2011 in California

Last week, we received the following email from a reader.  We’d never heard of/from this company before, but they were nice enough to let us know what they’re doing to push for GSP renewal.  They also serve as a great example to anyone else looking to get involved.  It was short but sweet, so I’ll...

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