I just received an email from the designer and owner of Betty Belts in Ventura, CA. Not only did she ask us to add Betty Belts to the GSP Supporter List, she also let me know about her newest blog post: I Need GSP to Stay in Business. Betty Belts is already facing cost increases...
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Written on April 1, 2011 in
I realized this morning that just because we’re updating the GSP Supporter List every day, those updates don’t get sent out to blog subscribers, so we decided to do a new post about it. Since the list went live on Monday, 25 companies and associations have contacted us to sign on. You can sign on...
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Written on March 30, 2011 in
Even when GSP isn’t on the Congressional agenda, it still manages to find its way into almost any discussion on trade. This afternoon, the House Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee held a hearing on the Panama FTA. Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Miriam Sapiro, who testified at the hearing on behalf of the Obama administration, used...
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