Written on May 6, 2011 in
We’re meeting with Congressional staff from those states next week. If you have facilities there and haven’t done so already, now’s the time to sign the Supporter List, respond to our expiration poll, and join the Coalition. We know many companies are reluctant to state publicly the impact of GSP expiration on their business...
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Written on May 6, 2011 in
If you’ve been reading this blog or stumbled upon it, it’s probably because you care about GSP renewal. There are probably days when you think you’re the only one who does. You’re not! FYI, hundreds — more likely thousands — of other companies and others care about GSP renewal. – We’ve had more than 1...
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Written on May 5, 2011 in
Been down on Capitol Hill for meetings this week on GSP renewal with Congressional staff and one issue keeps popping up: retroactive renewal (i.e., refunds for tariffs paid to date). The thinking is that any renewal will be limited in duration based on the funding available. However, the question remains: given a limited GSP extension,...
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