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GSP Tariff Tuesdays: Keep the Contacts Coming!

Written on July 15, 2014 in GSP

It’s Tuesday, have you contacted your Senators and Representatives about the need to renew GSP yet? If not, you should take a few minutes to do so now. This is our third GSP “Tariff Tuesday” and we need as many companies as possible to contact their Senators and Representatives today about the need to renew...

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7 New Companies Calling on Congress to Renew GSP

Written on July 14, 2014 in GSP

Over the last few days, we’ve added 7 new companies to the GSP Supporter List. That means there are now 583 companies and associations publicly asking Congress to pass GSP renewal legislation. Three of the seven come from congressional districts that did not have GSP supporter list companies previously: California’s 22nd District, New Y...

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GSP Expiration Cost $57 Million in May 2014

Written on July 10, 2014 in GSP

According to new data released this week, GSP expiration cost another $57 million in May 2014. With a daily cost of $1.84 million, American companies have paid $631 million because Congress has yet to renew GSP. The map below shows the breakdown of GSP imports and tariffs paid as a result of expiration by state...

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