Category: GSP

New POLL: Retroactive GSP Renewal

Written on May 5, 2011 in GSP

Been down on Capitol Hill for meetings this week on GSP renewal with Congressional staff and one issue keeps popping up: retroactive renewal (i.e., refunds for tariffs paid to date).  The thinking is that any renewal will be limited in duration based on the funding available. However, the question remains: given a limited GSP extension,...

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GSP Supporter List Now Covers 230+ Congressional Districts

Written on May 3, 2011 in California

As promised last week, we updated the GSP Supporter List by CD to include secondary locations for signature companies.  As a result, the GSP Supporter List now covers about 400 locations found in 230+ congressional districts. Even this updated version vastly understates the geographical “footprint” of the companies, since we did no...

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