Category: GSP

Small Business Lays Off Worker, Cuts Back Benefits

Written on May 13, 2011 in GSP

More than 50 companies have responded to our GSP expiration poll.  We’re particularly grateful for the responses that provide the context in which companies are dealing with GSP expiration and the new tariff costs.  If you don’t think Congress needs to pass an immediate, retroactive, and long-term renewal of GSP, try reading t...

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More than 200 Organizations Urging GSP Renewal

Written on May 12, 2011 in GSP

As of this morning, the GSP Supporter List now has more than 200 companies and trade associations urging Congress to pass an immediate, retroactive renewal of the GSP program. You can see the full list – as well as instructions to add your company – here. The companies are headquartered in 37 states (plus DC...

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GSP Expiration Cost $62 Million in March

Written on May 11, 2011 in GSP

New data out this afternoon showed that American companies paid an estimated $62 million in new taxes on $1.6 billion worth of previously GSP-eligible imports in March.  For the first three months of the years, U.S. importers paid a total of $162 million in tariffs on $4.4 billion worth of imports because of GSP expiration. ...

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