Category: GSP

NFTC: “Congress Needs to Act on GSP”

Written on July 19, 2013 in GSP

Yesterday, the National Foreign Trade Council‘s President Bill Reinsch wrote a blog titled “Congress Needs to Act on GSP.” Given the name of our own blog, you could probably guess that we agree 100 percent with Bill. As the article points out, GSP renewal shouldn’t be difficult: Liberals like it because it helps people in...

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GSP Renewal Legislation Introduced in House!

Written on July 18, 2013 in GSP

Yesterday, House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp and Ranking Member Sander Levin, along with Trade Subcommittee Chairman Devin Nunes and Ranking Member Charlie Rangel, introduced H.R. 2709, which would renew GSP through September 30, 2015. You can read the Coalition’s statement here. While this is a positive first step, the House will not a...

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