Category: Indonesia

23 Companies Join GSP Supporter List During Week of April 24

Written on May 1, 2017 in California

Last week 23 more companies signed up for the 2017 GSP Supporter List (see graphic below). The companies are headquartered in 12 states and 23 different congressional districts. Nearly all are small businesses with fewer than 100 employees. NOTE: Tariffs on GSP-eligible may increase on January 1. Show Congress that GSP renewal is important to...

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15 More Organizations Join GSP Supporter List

Written on April 14, 2017 in California

This week 15 more organizations (1 association, 14 companies) signed up for the 2017 GSP Supporter List. The new organizations, which follow the 10 new companies from last week, are all listed below. *** Tariffs on GSP imports are scheduled to go up on January 1. By the time that feels “close,” it may be...

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