Category: Company Stories

15 New Companies Join the GSP Supporter List

Written on November 3, 2017 in GSP Supporter List

After the latest Supporter List update this morning, there are now 290 American companies and associations calling on Congress to renew GSP. Since GSP was reinstated in July 2015, it has saved American nearly companies $1.6 billion in reduced taxes, including $547 million in the first 8 months of 2017. Who benefits the most from...

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38 House Members Send Letter Urging GSP Renewal

Written on October 30, 2017 in California

Representatives Ralph Norman (SC-5), Jim Himes (CT-4), and 36 other Members sent a letter to leaders of the House Ways and Means Committee today in support of GSP renewal. The bipartisan letter, which included 17 Republicans and 21 Democrats from 20 states, urged the Committee “to advance a long-term GSP extension as quickly as possible.&rdqu...

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GSP Saved American Companies $75 Million in August 2017

Written on October 10, 2017 in Alabama

In August, the GSP program saved American companies $75 million on about $1.8 billion in imports. Those figures are notable for several reasons: That is the highest reported monthly savings since October 2008. GSP imports were up by 17 percent – and tariffs savings were up by 21 percent – compared to August 2016. Year-to-date...

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