Posts by: Dan Anthony

GSP Expiration Cost $62 Million in March

Written on May 11, 2011 in GSP

New data out this afternoon showed that American companies paid an estimated $62 million in new taxes on $1.6 billion worth of previously GSP-eligible imports in March.  For the first three months of the years, U.S. importers paid a total of $162 million in tariffs on $4.4 billion worth of imports because of GSP expiration. ...

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New Tool: Email Senate Trade Staff Directly

Written on May 9, 2011 in GSP

This morning, we added a new “Email Your Senators” page to the website.  It allows you to email directly the appropriate staff contact who handles trade as opposed to going through the generic forms found on most Senate office websites. We hope this improves the ability of constituent companies to contact their Senators about the.....

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APB: Calling All Missouri, Ohio, and Utah Companies

Written on May 6, 2011 in GSP

We’re meeting with Congressional staff from those states next week.  If you have facilities there and haven’t done so already, now’s the time to sign the Supporter List, respond to our expiration poll, and join the Coalition. We know many companies are reluctant to state publicly the impact of GSP expiration on their business...

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