How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

GSP Saved American Companies $67 Million in November 2016

Written on January 26, 2017 in Brazil

In November, the GSP program saved American companies $67 million on about $1.7 billion in imports. The value of GSP imports increased by about 16 percent, while the tariff savings increased by nearly 18 percent compared to November 2015. Overall, GSP saved U.S. companies $667 million in 2016 through November. GSP savings are up about...

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Launching the (free) 2017 GSP Supporter List

Written on January 24, 2017 in GSP

It’s time to launch the free 2017 GSP Supporter List! The previous iteration grew to more than 700 companies and associations located throughout the country and was unquestionably one of the GSP Coalition’s most effective advocacy tools. There simply is no better way to demonstrate the importance of GSP to Members of Congress than to...

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