How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

GSP Saved American Companies $66 Million in April 2017

Written on June 14, 2017 in Alabama

In April 2017, the GSP program saved American companies $66 million on about $1.7 billion in imports. GSP imports were up by 8 percent – and tariffs savings were up by 11 percent – compared to April 2016. Some states such as Kentucky and Virginia saw much larger increases in GSP imports and savings compared...

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GSP Company Profile: Golden Country, LLC in Chicago, Illinois

Written on June 12, 2017 in Illinois

Chicago-based Golden Country imports over 4,000 different food products from Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. GSP has allowed Golden Country to continue serving the tremendous growth in demand for international food products while keeping costs low. When GSP expired in 2013, Golden Country raised prices to reflect the new tariffs and saw sales drop...

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