How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

NEW SURVEY: What happens if GSP expires?

Written on December 10, 2017 in USA

GSP is scheduled to expire on December 31, but Congress currently plans to adjourn by December 22. That means failure to renew GSP in the next 2 weeks likely results in an expiration that – if recent history is an example – could last years. As we continue advocating for GSP renewal, we want to...

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GSP Saved American Companies $82 Million in October 2017

Written on December 6, 2017 in Alabama

High GSP savings levels continued in October: GSP saved American companies $82 million on about $2.0 billion in imports – more than any other month all the way back to October 2006. GSP imports were up by 22 percent – and tariffs savings were up by 28 percent – compared to October 2016. Year-to-date savings...

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