How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

2019 GSP highlights by sector

Written on May 13, 2020 in Ecuador

In 2019, GSP saved American companies $1.035 billion in eliminated tariffs, including $24 million on Covid-related products. The graphic below highlights the variety of products imported under GSP last year. In a major shift from 2018, consumer goods were the largest category of GSP imports by both value ($6.6 billion) and savings ($512 million). C...

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GSP eliminated over $24 million in tariffs in 2019 on products directly related to Covid-19 response

Written on May 8, 2020 in India

GSP eliminated over $24 million in tariffs in 2019 on products directly related to Covid-19 response. Congress should renew GSP immediately to ensure continued GSP duty-free treatment for these critical products and provide certainty for American companies that are already struggling due to the coronavirus pandemic. GSP’s current authorizatio...

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GSP saved American companies $1.035 billion in 2019

Written on May 5, 2020 in USA

According to new research from the Coalition for GSP, the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program saved American companies $1.035 billion in 2019. Total imports under GSP were nearly $21 billion. While imports under GSP were down from 2018, savings were about the same, as the average tariff waived jumped to 5.0% in 2019 from...

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