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Nearly 300 American organizations call on Congressional leaders to renew GSP in the Lame Duck

Written on December 1, 2020 in USA

On December 1, 284 American companies and associations sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader McConnell, Senate Democratic Leader Schumer, House Speaker Pelosi, and House Republican Leader McCarthy urging immediate passage of legislation extending the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). [If you missed the deadline but want Congress to renew G...

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Michigan small business: “over $400,000 that we need to recoup from somewhere” if GSP expires

Written on November 9, 2020 in China

Hiblow is a distributor of linear diaphragm pumps based in Saline, Michigan. It employs 6 workers, including a new warehouse manager position created in 2020. Hiblow sells pumps imported under GSP to three major markets: medical pumps to U.S. medical device manufacturers (therapy devices, hospital beds, incubators); pumps for onsite wastewater trea...

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