How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

The Cost of One Month of GSP Expiration

Written on January 31, 2011 in Background

As of midnight tonight, it will be exactly one month since Congress allowed GSP to expire.  Since trade data reporting lags by about 6 weeks, we can’t know the value of January 2011 imports until mid March.  We’re impatient, though, so we looked at imports under GSP in January 2010 to see what GSP expiration...

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GSP Renewal Finds Itself in a…Pickle?

Written on January 28, 2011 in Company Stories

Americans love their pickles.  According to Pickle Packers International and its I Love Pickles website, we eat 2.5 billion pounds of pickles every year, or 20 billion pickles total.  I Love Pickles has many other fun facts, but GSP didn’t make the cut. Perhaps it should have, since more than $30 million worth of jarred...

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Generator Parts from Thailand

Written on January 27, 2011 in Company Stories

There’s a company in Louisville, Kentucky that designs, manufactures, and services Heat Recovery Steam Generators, or HRSGs.  Basically, HRSGs increase energy efficiency by capturing the hot exhaust from a gas turbine and turning it in to steam that can be used to power another turbine. The Kentucky-based company imports parts for its HR...

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