How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

Contacting Your Congressional Delegation about GSP Renewal

Written on February 15, 2011 in Brazil

One of the most important things that companies who have been hurt by GSP expiration can do is contact the members of their Congressional delegation.  While many Representatives and Senators know about the GSP program, they don’t necessarily know which of their constituents benefit from it.  That’s where letters and phone call...

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GSP Expiration Makes Valentine’s Day a Little Less Sweet

Written on February 14, 2011 in Argentina

According to the National Confectioners Association, Valentine’s Day is the fourth biggest holiday of the year for confectionery purchases (after Halloween, Easter and Christmas).  From heart-shaped boxes of chocolates to conversation candies, when people think of Valentine’s day, our minds jump straight to the sweets! Excluding my...

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GSP Editorial in Washington Post

Written on February 12, 2011 in Background

The Washington Post had an editorial today on the expiration of the GSP and Andean preferences called Mr. Sessions and the need to trade.  It highlights the fact the Senator Sessions held up GSP renewal despite a ruling by the non-partisan US International Trade Commission (ITC) that workers in Alabama were not threatened by GSP...

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