How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

Some Presidents Day History from the Coalition for GSP…

Written on February 21, 2011 in Brazil

…and Wikipedia.  Apparently, Congress first created a holiday for government offices in Washington, DC in honor of George Washington in 1880.  Five years later, the holiday was expanded to cover all federal workers, and for the next 85 years government workers took off February 22, Washington’s birthday.  In 1971, Congre...

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Updated GSP Coalition Annual Report Now Available

Written on February 18, 2011 in Background

The Coalition for GSP recently updated its annual report to include 2010 trade data and other developments.  The report provides a comprehensive overview of GSP program administration, country and product eligibility, and trade statistics.  You can download a copy of the report here.

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Keeping Up with Renew GSP Today

Written on February 18, 2011 in Background

A couple weeks back, we added the “Subscribe” option so people could get our posts automatically emailed to them.  The subscribe feature is located in the right side below the categories/links menus. You can also follow us on Twitter @renewgsptoday.

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