How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

Tires That Just Can’t Catch a Break

Written on February 17, 2011 in Colorado

Ok, so that’s a bad play on words, but radial tires are one of the most valuable GSP imports.  In 2010, GSP imports of tires for passenger cars, trucks, and buses exceeded $725 million, saving American importers $29 million.  Thailand and Indonesia are the two leading GSP suppliers of radial tires under GSP, combining for...

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Digging Deeper into the 2010 GSP Import Data

Written on February 17, 2011 in Background

The other day, we posted some quick hits on the year-end GSP import data for 2010 showing that total GSP imports were up 11% to $22 billion and that GSP saved American companies nearly $690 million. Over the last couple days, we’ve looked at imports of different types of products – and the value of...

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More GSP Coverage from Time

Written on February 15, 2011 in GSP Press

Time’s Swampland blog has a post today (Sleeping Bag Sessions) that calls GSP “wildly successful” and notes that “GSP is so popular it passed the House by voice vote.”  It also highlights the 80,000 American jobs supported by GSP imports. That makes Time the 4th major publication to do a feature on GSP expiration,...

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