How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

$100 Million – The Cost for 2 Months of GSP Expiration

Written on April 12, 2011 in Background

The U.S. Census Bureau released trade data today for February 2011, allowing us to update our GSP expiration costs.  Through the first two months of the year, American companies paid an estimated $100 million in tariffs on (previously) GSP-eligible products.  Perhaps that is why nearly 160 companies and associations have already added the...

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USTR Kirk, SoS Clinton Urge Congress to Renew GSP

Written on April 8, 2011 in GSP

U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently sent a joint letter to Congress urging the re-authorization of the GSP and other preference programs “at the earliest opportunity and for the longest period possible.” Many of the letter’s themes could be taken right off Renew GSP Today: -GSP import...

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