How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

GSP Expiration Cost (Another) $58 Million in May

Written on July 12, 2011 in GSP

The trade data released by the Department of Commerce this afternoon showed that American companies paid an estimated $58.3 million in new taxes on $1.5 billion worth of previously GSP-eligible imports in May.  Through the first 5 months of the year, U.S. businesses paid $276 million in tariffs on $7.3 billion worth of imports. Each...

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GSP State-Level Reports

Written on July 8, 2011 in GSP

Yesterday, we posted some of the state-by-state comparisons of GSP imports and tariffs paid through the first 4 months of 2011.  We’d like to take this MUCH further and create separate documents for each state. Below is a “mock” mark up of a state report, to use the parlance of recent hearings:

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GSP Imports by State

Written on July 7, 2011 in California

In light of today’s Senate Finance Committee hearing, we decided to roll out some of our new GSP import data by state.  For example, did you know that…. Five of the top six states in terms of tariffs paid through April because of GSP expiration are represented on the Finance Committee? Maryland, represented on the...

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