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House Passes GSP Legislation

Written on October 12, 2011 in GSP

This evening, the House passed H.R. 2832, which renews the GSP program from January 1, 2011 through July 31, 2013.  The final vote count was 307-122 and you can see who voted in favor here. The bill now goes to the President, who is expected to sign it soon.  Click here to download a copy...

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Written on October 12, 2011 in GSP

The House will begin votes tonight on the pending FTAs and the GSP/TAA bill around 5pm.  If you haven’t done so already, we encourage all GSP importers to use our Email Your Representatives page to urge support for this bill and submit a quote on our new Tumblr site on why Congress needs to renew GSP...

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