How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

Gearing up for GSP Renewal in 2013

Written on December 20, 2012 in GSP

The “long-term” renewal passed by Congress back in 2011 allowed the Coalition for GSP to take a bit of a breather, but GSP is set to expire at the end of July 2013 – just over seven months away!  There will be lots of work to do once Congress returns in January and, with the...

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2011 GSP Imports and Tariff Savings by State

Written on July 11, 2012 in California

If asked what state had the highest value of GSP imports in 2011, there’s a good chance you’d guess California – and you’d be right.  But what about these questions: -which state ranked 10th in both GSP imports and tariff savings? -which state’s imports would face the highest average tariffs without GSP? Those are...

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