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GSP expiration makes back-to-school tariffs even worse

Written on August 31, 2021 in USA

Bryan Riley of the National Taxpayers Union recently wrote about how “tariffs impose a hidden tax on families and increase the price of many goods students may need as they return to the classroom.” NTU created the infographic below to show just how high average tariffs on many everyday products were in 2020. While GSP...

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GSP expiration hurting California company that moved 1,500 jobs from China to the Philippines

Written on August 12, 2021 in California

New data show that imports from China increased 62x more than GSP imports in the first half of 2021. Triad Magnetics in Perris, California helps explain the trend: GSP expiration has already cost the company $200,000 in extra tariffs, leading to reduced orders from the Philippines and increased orders from China. Triad Magnetics manufactures transf...

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