How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

GSP Expiration Survey (Requested by Member of Congress)

Written on March 11, 2014 in GSP

A few weeks back, a number of companies and business associations had an in-district meeting with a Member of Congress that would like to become more engaged on GSP renewal. But first, this Congressman would like to learn more about the impacts of GSP expiration. So we designed the following survey answer the Congressman’s specific...

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GSP Supporter List Tops 500 Organizations

Written on March 5, 2014 in GSP

With the latest update, there are now 501 American companies and associations calling on Congress to pass an immediate, retroactive GSP renewal. Since the beginning of 2014, 75 organizations have added their name to the supporter list – more than 1 per day. You can see the full list, broken out by state and congressional...

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Another Valentine’s Day Without GSP

Written on February 14, 2014 in California

When February 14 rolls around every year, very few people think about expired trade programs. But perhaps they should. In particular, Members of Congress should take a moment to realize how allowing programs like GSP to remain expired can increase costs on what should be one of the sweetest days of the year. Don’t get...

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