How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

GSP in 2013: Companies Should’ve Saved…Could’ve Hired?

Written on February 12, 2014 in GSP

According to new data released last week, American companies imported $18.5 billion worth of GSP-eligible products in 2013. GSP should have reduced taxes on those companies by nearly $700 million. Instead, companies had to pay about $280 million in higher taxes because Congress allowed GSP to expire on July 31. TRInternational, Inc. (TRI), a global...

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463 Organizations Sign Letter Urging Congress to Renew GSP

Written on January 28, 2014 in GSP

This week, more than 460 American companies and organizations sent a joint letter to every Member of Congress with a simple message: we cannot wait any longer for Congress to renew GSP. The signatories included 23 associations and 440 companies located in 43 states, 237 congressional districts, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The...

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So Close to 450 GSP Supporters…

Written on January 17, 2014 in Maryland

Yesterday, we added four new organizations to the GSP supporter list: Haribo in Baltimore, MD Oceanic Linkways in North Brunswick, NJ SAM HPRP Chemicals in Eden Prairie, MN The National Fisheries Institute In total, the brings us to 446 organizations that want – and need – Congress to renew GSP. If we added four yesterday,...

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