How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

Want to Help Small Businesses? Then Renew GSP.

Written on November 29, 2014 in GSP

It’s Small Business Saturday, a chance for politicians of all stripes to show their “small biz” bonafides. (Check out how many are tweeting with the hashtag #SmallBusinessSaturday.) Yet for the last 16 months, Congressional failure to renew the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program has damaged small businesses throughout...

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GSP Expiration Cost Another $58 Million in September

Written on November 11, 2014 in GSP

Based on data released last week, continued GSP expiration cost American importers another $58 million in September 2014. For a number of states – Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, and Ohio – September 2014 was the most costly month to date in terms of tariffs paid. Since GSP expired on July 31, 2013, companies have...

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