Category: USA

Nearly 400 American Organizations Send Letter Urging Congressional Leaders to Pass Swift, Retroactive GSP Renewal

Written on January 5, 2018 in GSP Supporter List

Brian Miles from chemical distributor I. Stern & Co. in Clark, New Jersey doesn’t believe it can “sustain all of our salespeople if we are put into an uncompetitive price situation caused by the additional duty costs for our raw materials.” Thomas Snyder of Warehouse Associates in Indianapolis, Indiana, which supplies componen...

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GSP Expired: What To Do Now

Written on January 1, 2018 in USA

Congress’ failure to extend GSP beyond December 31 means U.S. companies must now pay tariffs on previously GSP-eligible, duty-free imports. It is estimated that expiration will cost American companies $2.5-$3.0 million in extra taxes for each day GSP remains expired. It is critical that importers continue claiming GSP for eligible products de...

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