Category: USA

House passes GSP renewal bill by 400-2 vote

Written on February 13, 2018 in USA

Tonight, the House passed legislation (H.R. 4979) to renew GSP by an overwhelming margin of 400-2. Details of the bill are available here. Dan Anthony, Executive Director of the Coalition for GSP, said the following on passage of H.R. 4979 by a vote of 400-2: “The Coalition for GSP applauds today’s overwhelming passage of legislation...

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Numerous business groups send letters supporting H.R. 4979

Written on February 13, 2018 in USA

The House of Representatives will begin debate on bipartisan legislation (H.R. 4979) to renew GSP shortly. In addition to many individual companies, a number of national associations wrote letters supporting passage, including the: American Apparel & Footwear Association American Association of Exporters and Importers International Bottled Wate...

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GSP renewal bill on this week’s House “suspension calendar”

Written on February 12, 2018 in USA

GSP renewal legislation (HR 4979) is officially on the House “suspension calendar” for tomorrow (Tuesday). If you’re a company and haven’t done so already, please use our VOTE YES on HR 4979 page to email your Representative(s)? Companies with multiple locations are encouraged to contact your Representative for each facility...

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