Category: USA

GSP users deserve treats, not more tricks, this Halloween

Written on October 31, 2022 in USA

It has been exactly 22 months since Congress let GSP expire. American companies paid at least $1.9 billion in direct tariffs – and as much $2.4 billion – through August 2022. Tack on the two extra months for which data aren’t available yet, and Congress’ failure to renew GSP resulted in up to $2.6 billion...

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GSP expiration makes high “Back to School” tariffs even worse

Written on August 29, 2022 in USA

On Friday, the National Taxpayers Union published data showing how Back To School Season Highlights High Cost of Import Taxes, including the great graphic below. Sadly, even those high tariffs are understated because they don’t account for the impacts of GSP expiration. NTU’s selected products faced at least $120 million in extra tariff...

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