Category: USA

If the Trump administration wants supply chains to leave China, it should restore GSP for India (and support GSP renewal)

Written on July 23, 2020 in USA

Yesterday at a virtual conference hosted by the U.S.-India Business Council, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said India may be poised to lure American supply chains away from China because it “has earned the trust of many nations, including the United States.” Mr. Secretary, please call your colleagues at the Office of the U.S....

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How handbags show the links between GSP expiration, French digital service taxes, China, and “negotiating leverage”

Written on July 15, 2020 in USA

The United States recently announced it would impose 25% tariffs on $1.3 billion in imports from France, including handbags, effective January 6, 2021. The tariffs are in response to planned French digital services tax (DST) that largely affect American technology companies. Presumably, the U.S. announced the product list – with delayed imple...

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