Category: USA

GSP expiration cost hit record $113 million in March

Written on May 4, 2022 in USA

Based on an analysis of new U.S. Census Bureau data, American companies paid at $113 million in tariffs on product claiming GSP in March due to GSP expiration – the highest level ever despite the fact that March is generally not a big import month. The $300 million in tariffs paid in Q1 2022 due...

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Nearly 270 organization urge long-term GSP reathorization with attainable criteria, updated review and CNL rules as part of Bipartisan Innovation Act

Written on May 4, 2022 in USA

On May 3, a broad range of American companies and associations sent a letter to Congressional leaders outlining priorities for GSP renewal as part of conference negotiations on a compromise measure to align the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act and the America COMPETES Act (also know as the Bipartisan Innovation Act). Letter signers ranged from.....

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