Category: GSP

House Passes GSP Renewal Bill!

Written on September 7, 2011 in GSP

The House just passed H.R. 2832, which would renew GSP retroactively and extend it through July 2013.  Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) raised concerns about the inclusion of sleeping bags, but it passed by a voice vote.  The bill now goes to the Senate. Special thanks to everyone that used our “Email Your Representatives” page or....

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House Action Today on GSP

Written on September 7, 2011 in Background

Lots going on today.  The Coalition for GSP sent this letter to all 435 House offices this morning.  We also included links to the GSP Supporter List, our breakdown of supporters by CD, and our state pages. Since the vote is expected to take place tonight, we asking companies to use our updated Email Your...

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