Category: GSP

Criss-Crossing the US to Talk About GSP

Written on April 23, 2013 in GSP

This morning, the Coalition will set out on an epic trek.  We’ll meet with offices from eight congressional districts in six states.  Representatives from the Pacific Northwest and New England, the Upper Midwest and the Southeast, the Corn Belt and sunny Southern California. GSP Coalition: 4/23 Meeting Itinerary Add in our meetings ...

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The Importance of GSP Benefits for Specific Products

Written on March 20, 2013 in Brazil

Some people might think that GSP’s relatively low share of total U.S. imports means it doesn’t have a big impact.  However, for the products covered by GSP – and the American companies buying those products – its importance cannot be overstated. There were approximately 10,600 country-product combinations imported under...

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2012 GSP Imports and Savings By State

Written on February 22, 2013 in California

Which states benefit from duty-free imports under GSP?  According to our latest research, all of them! It’s no surprise that big states like California and Texas saved tens of millions of dollars annually because of GSP, but it’s important for companies in little smaller states too.  Companies in Rhode Island – the great...

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