Category: GSP

GSP Renewal Leads to Immediate Hires at Kona Bicycle in Washington

Written on July 30, 2015 in GSP

What a difference GSP renewal can make for companies like Kona Bicycle in Ferndale, Washington. Nearly 30 years old, the independent company still has the same founding owners and a staff of active and impassioned cyclists. Kona describes itself as “a dedicated group of cyclists making bicycles for people who love bikes” – and GSP...

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Pop the Champagne – GSP Program Goes Back Into Effect!

Written on July 29, 2015 in GSP

After nearly two long years of expiration, GSP went back into effect this morning. American companies no longer must pay the import taxes on GSP-eligible products. A cause for celebration indeed! This should benefit the estimated 1,000+ shipments that claim GSP daily. And when you have a shipment come in that doesn’t face tariffs because...

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President Obama Signs Bill to Renew GSP

Written on June 29, 2015 in GSP

Earlier today, President Obama signed into law H.R. 1295, which renews GSP and refunds tariffs paid on eligible imports. GSP should enter into effect again on July 29 – almost 2 years to the day since it expired. This has been a long and challenging period for American companies that rely on the GSP program....

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