Category: GSP Countries

GSP Imports Reach $19.9 Billion in 2012

Written on February 11, 2013 in Brazil

Last Friday, the U.S. government released the full-year trade data for 2012 showing that  GSP imports reached $19.9 billion.  This represents an increase of more than $1.3 billion, or about 7 percent, and is a significant jump considering the loss of GSP benefits for former top-10 suppliers Argentina (kicked out) and Colombia (GSP replace...

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GSP and Wyoming: Fast Facts

Written on January 25, 2013 in GSP

The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program eliminates U.S. tariffs (i.e., taxes) on certain imports from developing countries. GSP imports in 2011 totaled $18.5 billion and the program saved American companies more than $700 million. GSP saved Wyoming companies an estimated $84,000 in 2011. Wyoming companies imported an estimated $2.6 mill...

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GSP and Wisconsin: Fast Facts

Written on January 25, 2013 in GSP

The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program eliminates U.S. tariffs (i.e., taxes) on certain imports from developing countries. GSP imports in 2011 totaled $18.5 billion and the program saved American companies more than $700 million. GSP saved Wisconsin companies an estimated $4.9 million in 2011. Wisconsin companies imported an estimated ...

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