Category: GSP Countries

Educating Congress About GSP Renewal, Part 1

Written on May 2, 2013 in GSP

Earlier today, we had two more meetings with staff for House Members that serve on the Ways and Means Committee: Reps. James Renacci (OH-16) and Pat Tiberi (OH-12). These were meetings #20 and #21 since the beginning of last week, and we have more coming up.  Some of you might wonder, what do you do...

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The Importance of GSP Benefits for Specific Products

Written on March 20, 2013 in Brazil

Some people might think that GSP’s relatively low share of total U.S. imports means it doesn’t have a big impact.  However, for the products covered by GSP – and the American companies buying those products – its importance cannot be overstated. There were approximately 10,600 country-product combinations imported under...

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GSP Saved American Companies Nearly $750 Million in 2012

Written on February 15, 2013 in Brazil

As noted on Monday, the US government recently released 2012 trade data showing that imports under GSP rose to $19.9 billion last year.  Based on an analysis of that data, the GSP program saved American companies an estimated $748.7 million in 2012, a $40+ million increase over 2011. By county, the highest savings came on...

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