Category: GSP Countries

GSP Expiration: Different Strokes for Different Folks

Written on September 3, 2013 in California

If you ask people what September means to them, you’ll get lots of different answers: the end of summer, back to school, start of college/NFL football, cooler weather, or perhaps baseball pennant races (unless they’re in DC). Companies that use the GSP program might also mention the return of Congress from a looooong state work...

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Strange Day in the GSP World

Written on June 27, 2013 in Bangladesh

Press reports indicate that the Obama administration will suspend GSP benefits for Bangladesh following a long review by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, although the official announcement has not been released. Meanwhile, it appears that Ecuador has decided to unilaterally renounce its ATPA benefits, claiming that the United States was...

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