Category: GSP Countries

With Program Renewed, Here Are the Products that May Lose Benefits on October 1 in the GSP Annual Review

Written on July 9, 2015 in Indonesia

With the President signing the GSP renewal legislation into law in late June, all parts of the GSP program will restart – including the Annual Review process. The legislation included a provision extending the deadline for the 2014 Annual Review to October 1. While normally the process would take about a year, the three-month timetable...

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Exploring Moskow

Written on May 11, 2015 in GSP

Moscow (Russian: Москва) is the 860 year-old capital of Russia. A truly iconic, global city, Moscow has played a central role in the development of Russia and the world. For many, the sight of the Kremlin complex in the centre of the city is still loaded with symbolism and history. Moscow was the capital of...

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