Category: GSP Countries

GSP Company Profile: WorldFinds

Written on March 8, 2017 in Company Stories

Today we’re launching a new series of GSP company profiles. They will highlight specific users of the program, the struggles they faced during the last GSP expiration, and the positive growth they have been able to achieve since Congress renewed the GSP program back in June 2015. (Profiles are based primarily on responses to our...

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GSP Saved American Companies $62 million in December 2016

Written on February 22, 2017 in Alabama

In December 2016, the GSP program saved American companies $62 million on about $1.6 billion in imports. GSP imports were up by 11 percent – and tariffs savings up by 14 percent – compared to December 2015. Overall, GSP saved U.S. companies $729 million in 2016, an increase of over 10 percent from 2015. Some...

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