Category: GSP Countries

It isn’t 1810

Written on September 14, 2016 in Brazil

“It is an extremely arbitrary and outdated tariff. Our politicians need to realize we operate in a global economy now; it isn’t 1810.” That comment was provided by Alex Livingston, President of Summit Specialty International in Alpharetta, Georgia, in response to our new GSP renewal impacts survey. The small business imports inter...

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New Jersey Small Business Explains Impacts of GSP Expiration, Renewal

Written on September 9, 2016 in India

EVCO International is a small business in Manalapan, New Jersey that imports marble kitchenware and bath accessories from Indonesia and India and kettles from Thailand. When GSP expired and EVCO tried to raises prices, sales fell. Higher costs impacted both EVCO’s US sales and its exports from New Jersey to South America, Europe, Canada. As.....

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