Category: Company Stories

NAM Says It’s Time to Renew GSP

Written on December 10, 2013 in California

Yesterday, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) wrote about the negative impact of GSP expiration on…not surprisingly…manufacturers. At the most basic level, because of GSP expiration “many manufacturers’ costs are higher and their competitiveness undermined.” This of course is a point we’ve made a n...

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While Congress Delays, American Companies Pay

Written on November 26, 2013 in California

Last Friday, Politico had an article about the (really) do-nothing Congress. According to the article: “So far, this Congress has only enacted 49 laws, the fewest since at least 1947, when the Congressional Record began tallying legislative activity on a yearly basis. In fact, the 80th Congress — famously dubbed the “do nothing&rd...

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Renew GSP Today