Category: Company Stories

One Day of GSP Expiration – Who Paid the Price on July 17?

Written on July 22, 2014 in Brazil

We frequently note that each day of GSP expiration costs American importers nearly $2 million in additional taxes. We also highlight the diverse GSP importers that are on the supporter list. But we don’t know how many other GSP importers might be paying those taxes on any given day. So we decided to conduct an...

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Who Else Might Want Congress to Renew GSP?

Written on June 20, 2014 in GSP

The other day, we wrote about the characteristics of the 572 companies and associations on the GSP supporter list. Yesterday, we added #573: Delta Brands in Larchmont, NY, which imports household cleaning, health, and beauty products from Turkey and India under GSP. We’ve added 13 companies to the supporter list in June, 12 of which...

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