Category: Company Stories

What Could They Have Accomplished if GSP Had Been Renewed?

Written on April 1, 2015 in Connecticut

One of our Coalition members has been racking up accolades recently: 2013 INC 5000 member 2013 state “manufacturer of the year” nominee 2014 INC 5000 member (albeit a much lower rank) 2014 county chamber “small business of the year” winner 2015 state “manufacturer of the year” nominee Everything sounds great, rig...

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Snowball Effects of GSP Expiration

Written on March 5, 2015 in Company Stories

It’s a snowy day in Washington. The Federal Government is closed. The House and Senate both agreed to wrap up work early and flee DC before the snow hit (the House won’t return until March 16). So it seems appropriate to highlight the snowball effects of continued GSP expiration. The following comes from an email...

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