Category: Company Stories

More GSP Survey Responses: “revenue dropped by more than half a million dollars and several employees had to be let go”

Written on April 20, 2015 in Colorado

GSP-eligible acrylics in action at the underwater Ithaa restaurant in the Maldives Below are some new responses to our GSP reauthorization survey from companies in Colorado, Maryland, and Texas (to go along with responses highlighted yesterday and the day before). With the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees both expecting to ho...

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GSP Reauthorization Survey: Preliminary Answers

Written on April 18, 2015 in Brazil

With a new GSP bill introduced on Thursday, we launched a new survey yesterday to help show why swift passage of the GSP renewal legislation is critical for US businesses. We expect a number of trade hearings the week of April 20, so please answer the survey ASAP if you’re impacted by GSP expiration (and...

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